How to Draw a Cat
Learn how to draw a cat step by step with this elementary drawing tutorial for beginners and kids.

Friends, perhaps this is one of the cutest drawing guides in which you will learn how to draw a cat. The lesson consists of elementary details, while being quite detailed, so it is perfect for both novice artists and amateurs with skills.
Cats are one of the most popular pets, having won everyone’s love due to their affectionate behavior. Despite their cuteness, cats are also excellent predators that mainly prey on household pests. The average body length of a cat is 50-60 cm, and the length of the tail is 20-30 cm. As a rule, females are smaller than males, like other mammals.
As you know, cats love to sleep and sleep 12–15 hours a day, which allows them to save energy to a greater extent than most animals. Admit it, you would also like to sleep so much?
And now let’s start drawing a cute cat.
Time needed: 34 minutes
How to Draw a Cat
- Draw the outline of the head.
First you need to draw a head, which has a rounded shape. Then, in the middle of the face, add two oval-shaped eyes.
- Face details.
Draw typical cat pupils as elongated vertical ovals. Next, above the eyes, add eyebrows from curved lines. Between the eyes draw a nose in the form of a triangle.
- Draw a muzzle.
Next, you need to draw a rounded outline of the muzzle and add a smile in the form of a wavy line.
- Draw the ears.
The ears of a cat are quite large and can form a triangle. Also circle the inside of the ear with a line where the lower part is wavy.
- Draw the outline of the body.
The cat’s body resembles an oval shape that is slightly tilted.
- Draw the front legs.
Draw two elongated vertical ovals, not connected at the top. Then add a zigzag line around the cat’s neck.
- Draw the back leg.
Using a circular line draw the back leg of the cat as shown in the lesson. Then detail the paws by adding short lines on the limbs.
- Draw a tail.
Our cat has a rather long tail, which is located behind a cute cat.
- Add a stripe outline.
Many cats have stripes on their bodies. Therefore, on the paws and on the body, add oval-shaped stripes.
- Color your drawing.
Using colored pencils and felt-tip pens, color the cat’s drawing as you wish, or focus on the shades that are presented in our lesson.
This concludes our lesson on drawing a cute pet. If you liked our step-by-step instructions, then you can share it on social networks with your friends.