How to Draw a Buffalo
Welcome to the lesson on how to draw a buffalo! Following the step-by-step instructions, you will be able to draw one of the most powerful animals on Earth.

In this drawing lesson, we will show you how to draw a buffalo step by step. The lesson is suitable for both beginners and experienced artists who want to learn how to draw animals. You will learn how to depict the wide horns and massive body of a powerful animal. At the end of the lesson, you will receive a finished picture of a buffalo that will delight your loved ones and friends with its beauty.
The buffalo is a large mammal native to North America, Europe, and Asia. The buffalo has a massive body, a wide head with powerful horns. The weight of males can reach up to 1000 kilograms. The color of the buffalo’s coat is dark, and the texture of the coat is thick and fluffy, which allows them to endure cold climates.
We got to know this animal a little, and now let’s start drawing!
Time needed: 25 minutes
How to Draw a Buffalo
- Draw the head.
First, you need to draw the large buffalo head. The bottom of the head should be slightly narrower.
- Add eyes.
Next, you need to draw the eyes. To do this, draw outlines in the shape of a circle and add smaller filled circles inside. Then add lines above each eye.
- Continue detailing the face.
Draw short lines to indicate the fur on the top of the face. And then draw the nostrils using two small circles.
- Finish drawing the face.
Finish drawing the outline of the nose.
- Draw the horns.
Using curved lines, draw symmetrical large horns.
- Draw the ears.
Below the horns draw outstretched ears.
- Draw the body.
Next, we move on to drawing the body of the buffalo. Draw a large, rounded body.
- Draw the legs.
Following the example of the instructions, draw two front and one back legs.
- Add the leg and tail.
Next, draw the second back leg in the same way. And then draw the small tail.
- Detail the hooves.
Draw horizontal lines at the bottom of each leg and add vertical lines below it.
- Color your buffalo.
Using dark shades of brown and gray.
We hope you enjoyed the buffalo drawing tutorial. Don’t forget that practice is the key to improving your drawing skills. Try to draw other animals and share the results with your friends.