How to Draw a Blue Marlin
In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a blue marlin with the help of simple instructions. By following the step-by-step descriptions, you will be able to create a beautiful fish drawing.

Welcome to the lesson on how to draw a blue marlin! This beautiful fish attracts attention with its bright colors and graceful shape. But how to draw such a complex fish? Don’t worry, we have prepared detailed instructions for you to help you create a realistic image of a blue marlin. Before we move on to the drawing process, we suggest you read the description of the fish.
Blue marlin is a large fish that lives in tropical and subtropical waters. It has a long body with a high crest on its back and a long, pointed nose. The coloration of blue marlin is bright and varied, including blue, green, purple and silver hues. The fish also has large eyes and a powerful tail that is used to swim quickly in the water. Now let’s move on to drawing!
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Blue Marlin
- Draw the outline.
Let’s start drawing with the outline of the fish, which in its shape resembles an inverted drop.
- Add the long sword.
Next, we move on to drawing the front of the fish. Draw a long and sharp sword.
- Draw the mouth.
Continuing to draw the fish’s mouth. Using curved lines, draw the open lower jaw.
- Draw the eye.
Next, we move on to drawing the details of the face. A little higher from the beginning of the mouth, draw the outline of the eye in the form of an oval, and then add the filled circle inside. Then draw the supra orbital arc. Slightly to the right, add the gill line.
- Draw the dorsal fin.
Next, we move on to drawing the fins. Using a wavy line, draw the dorsal fin and then add lines inside it.
- Add pectoral fins.
On the sides of the fish, draw the fins using curved lines as shown in the instruction example.
- Body details.
Starting from the middle of the sword, draw a curved line that runs through the center of the gills and ends at the tail of the fish. Then add a second line that starts at the gill and intersects with the first line on the tail.
- Add the caudal fin and back fins.
Next, you need to add a couple more fins in the form of triangles in the tail section. And then, following the example of the instruction, draw the caudal fin.
- Color your drawing.
The main part of the fish can be painted in blue in different shades, the stripe on the body in yellow, and the open mouth in light pink.
Congratulations! You have learned how to draw a blue marlin. Do not forget that each drawing is unique and has its own personality. Try experimenting with colors and shades to create even more beautiful and original drawings. Thank you for participating in our drawing lesson, and you can also check out other fish drawing tutorials.